Education in Ukraine
I will be glad if you will have interest to have business collaboration with our Agency in the field ofeducation. Now I can offer you to possible to learn here in Universities of Lugansk for your citizens of your country.They will have high education with degree after this study. Or to earn some money in the field of education. Now you read the information about payment for education. But when you will find the future student for University here you have $ 100 from every student. We will have $ 300 for organization of contract with every student, we will meet him( her) here, to go with him/ her to the University and will be with him/her and decide all questions until end of education.
Here in all Universities we have connections with all teachers and we can decide all troubles in the process of education here always.
In the Machine- building University are many faculties:
computer's machines and automatic factories after this facility is the high education and student has degrees in compiters and automatic factories.
The profession-electronics engineer, specialist in computer services with high education.
The price in all year in this faculty is $ 1000 in all year.
The study is during 5 years.
economical faculty the professions/ occupations economist, manager of any enterprises, accountant, finansy, the manger of any banks and other economist of international business the price of this faculty is $ 900- 1200 in the year, it depeds from future occupation.
The study is during 5 years.
faculty of law
The specialists of jurisprudence, science of law.
The price of the study on this faculty is $ 1400 in the year.
The study is during 5 years.
faculty of electromachines
The occupation-engineer-electro-machines.
The price of this faculty is $ 600 in the year, the study is during 5 years.
faculty of mechanics
The occupation-engineer-mechanic of machine-tool construction, hard production.
The price of this faculty is $ 600 in the year, the study is during 5 years.
The occupation-engineer of transport production.
The price of this faculty is $ 700 in the year, the study is during 5 years.
The Medical University includes many faculties too:
The occupation-doctor of medicine all therapeutist's occupation of all organs of human body: heart, eyes, ears,brain,legs, arms, all body and all occupation in surgery of all organs of body.
The price of this faculty is $ 1500 in the year, the study is during 6 years.
The occupation-doctor stomatologist ( therapeutist and surgeon ).
The price of this faculty is $ 1750 in the year, the study is during 5 years.
The occupation-doctor pharmacologist.
The price of this faculty is $ 1750 in the year, the study is during 5 years.
The occupation-doctor pediatrician ( therapeutist and surgeon ).
The price of this faculty is $ 1500 in the year, the study is during 6 years.
We have many offers in education from other Universities of Ukraine
and if You want to ask any question we will be happy to give You
help in all what connects with education.
A little about my agency .
We works in this field more 4 years. We have all documents
for our work from Government of UKraine. We have wonderful
office in the center of the town, you know address, we have phones-
you know them too, we have report to Tax-policy every month from
agency. We have and had much success in this field.
If you have any questions you can write to PUBLIC RELATIONS MANAGER.
Post address:
Oboronnaya street, 1a
Lugansk, 91011, Ukraine
tel. +380 (642) 55-31-97 , +380 (642) 55-83-10
ICQ 53571066 - clerck of agency